Sliding Door Hardware

Generating space with sliding doors! Regardless of whether the work involves redevelopment, renovation, conversion, extension, select interior-finishing or residential / smaller commercial new-build, sliding doors make for enhanced planning flexibility and floor-space efficiency. Moreover, they are a particularly pleasing means of accessing spaces.
Flush pulls for sliding doors. Regardless of whether new-build, renovation, conversion or residential / Public Project ventures are involved, sliding doors make for added flexibility at the planning stage whilst enhancing the floorspace efficiency of rooms in which they are fitted.
This applies in particular where spaces cannot easily be enlarged for structural or budget reasons or on account of the floor plan. In the context of EN 18 040, therefore, we would wish to point out that incorporating sliding doors into your planning simplifies considerations of the space required for a wheelchair or walking frame as well as minimising the risk of a door being blocked by a person lying prostrate in an emergency.
Flush pulls with companion fitting for double sliding doors
FSB responded to this requirement quite some while ago with a line of separate flush pulls for flush doors in various forms with open or spring-covered recesses right through to variants with matching locks inclusive of locking systems for bathroom and WC doors.
Flush pulls for fully glazed sliding doors
Our solutions for fully glazed sliding doors match the shape of our flush pulls for flush doors and are straightforwardly fitted into glass perforations 70 mm in diameter adopting an astutely conceived screw or clamp fastening technique. They render glueing or other makeshift remedies superfluous and are easy for fabricators and door specialists to handle. These flush pulls are available in versions for glass thicknesses of 8, 10 and 12 mm.