The ErgoSystem® in its individual parts:

FSB provides detailed grasp of their quality and design

ErgoSystem® manufacturer FSB has now come up with a truly “explosive” idea for a product series that has garnered the “Red Dot Design Award”, the “iF Award” and the “architecture + health Innovation Prize” amongst others: the company from Brakel in eastern Westphalia is displaying all the parts of its functional and supremely well-crafted ErgoSystem® individually.

With ex­clu­sive shots of its prod­ucts, FSB pro­vides a de­tailed grasp of their out­stand­ing quality and sus­tain­abil­ity and reveals the inner struc­tur­ing of their durably rugged en­gi­neer­ing.

The new product images from the provider of all-in system so­lu­tions for modern public project ven­tures are in­tended to make it easier for trade staff to il­lus­trate and explain the Er­goSys­tem®’s merits to cus­tomers. FSB has opted to produce ex­ploded views of a total of four prod­ucts from its com­fort-dri­ven system: the ro­tat­able tip-up seat, drop­down support rail, hook-in seat and show­er­head bracket.

Quality down to the last detail

The compact design of the ro­tat­able tip-up seat sim­pli­fies its in­te­gra­tion into any bath­room ar­chi­tec­ture. The wall con­nec­tor in pow­der­coated alu­minium fulfils aes­thetic as­pi­ra­tions whilst being very easy­care. The seat can with­stand loads of up to 150 kg and is hence par­tic­u­larly safe. It is lent added con­ve­nience by a 400 mm-wide seat section in kind-to-the-skin PUR with an in­te­gral hygiene aper­ture. Round and straight-cor­nered vari­ants of FSB’s tip-up shower seat have won the ZVSHK “Bathing Comfort for Gen­er­a­tions” Product Award by dint of the prop­er­ties cited.

Con­ve­nience and safety in any bath­room

FSB’s hook-in seat scores as heavily in terms of design, comfort, care and as­sem­bly as the tip-up seat. Its flex­i­bil­ity of at­tach­ment is aided by its low weight. Its seat section and loading ca­pac­ity are iden­ti­cal to those for the tip-up seat, though the frame differs in being made of high-grade stain­less steel. Op­tional legs ensure de­pend­able support in houses old and new. Arm­rests ob­tain­able to order are safe for loads of up to 50 kg. Like many of FSB’s prod­ucts, the hook-in seat is a winner of the “Red Dot Design Award”.

El­e­gance to get to grips with

The Er­goSys­tem®’s drop-down support rail de­liv­ers a high degree of grip­ping comfort with very little (mus­cu­lar) ex­er­tion. The 45-de­gree angling of rails fa­cil­i­tates optimum trans­mis­sion of forces to the user ’s hand via their arm. The rail, which comes in both right and left-handed ver­sions, makes for pleas­antly er­gonomic grip­ping and is, more­over, adapt­able to any spatial sit­u­a­tion. There is a spe­cialised variant that can be at­tached to the side of rear-wall con­struc­tions in small spaces.

Highly func­tional, easy to operate

Design, func­tion and er­gonom­ics are like­wise strong points in the Er­goSys­tem® show­er­head bracket. It is deemed an ideal fitment for multi-gen­er­a­tion bath­rooms and derives er­gonomic benefit from its ca­pac­ity for sin­gle-handed op­er­a­tion: the show­er­head bracket can be safely op­er­ated even with soapy hands. The bracket’s clamp­ing fixture is ad­justable, al­low­ing it to be pulled down by chil­dren tugging at the hose, for in­stance. It’s no problem con­vert­ing it from left to right­hand op­er­a­tion, thus making for a great many fixing options – indeed, it can also be di­rectly con­nected to Er­goSys­tem® grabrails or handrail com­bi­na­tions. It has been pru­dently de­signed to suit all stan­dard brands of shower head.

Cannily con­ceived, per­fectly en­gi­neered and ef­fort­lessly as­sem­bled, the Er­goSys­tem® fully lives up to its claim to offer, by dint of each and every one of its parts, a “life of bar­rier-free comfort”. The new product images make this amply clear for all – stock­ists and cus­tomers alike – to see.

Franz Schneider
Brakel GmbH + Co KG

Karin Padinger
Nieheimer Straße 38
33034 Brakel
Phone: +49 5272 608-201